Return and payments

When the return is requered to be submitted?
The mini One Stop Shop VAT return (and accompanying payment) is required to be submitted within 20 days of the end of the period covered by the return, namely:

  • 20th of April for the first quarter of the year
  • 20th of July for the second quarter of the year
  • 20th of October for the third quarter of the year
  • 20th of January for the fourth quarter of the year

How to submit Mini One Stop Shop Return?
The registered businesses, logging on their private area and following the instructions on the section “return”, submit, even if no supplies in the EU have been carried out for the quarter, the MOSS VAT Return, filling out the online format and confirming the submission.

When is the taxable person obliged to pay the outstanding VAT?
The payment have to be done within 20 days of the end of the period is referred to, namely:

  • 20th of April for the first quarter of the year
  • 20th of July for the second quarter of the year
  • 20th of October for the third quarter of the year
  • 20th of January for the fourth quarter of the year

How does a taxable person perform payments to Italy, as Member State of Identification?
The payment of the VAT due according to the return submitted is made, in euro, as following.
The businesses under the Union scheme make the payment ordering, directly through the MoSS web-portal, the charging of their account open with an Italian bank or with the Italian Post Financial Services. It’s possible, through the portal functions, to relate the payment to the return it’s referred to. Because it’s important the indication of the unique reference number of the return on the payment, the payment follows the submission of the return.
The businesses under non Union scheme make the payment through a bank on a dedicated account open with Banca d’Italia. The IBAN code of the dedicated account is available on the web-portal. The purpose of the bank indicate the unique reference number of the return the payment is referred to.
Even the businesses under the Union scheme can follow the same modality if without an account open with an Italian bank or with Italian Post.

How is the Vat due calculated? Is there a fixed rate or depends by the state?
The amount of the VAT due in each Member State of consumption, that has to be paid in Italy, must be calculated applying the rates (standard or reduced) into force in the Member State of consumption at the moment the supply is rendered.
You can find, for information only, a summary table of applicable VAT rates in Member States, clicking on the link below:
The information has been supplied by the respective Member States. The Agency cannot be held responsible for its accuracy or completeness. Please check them on Member States Tax Agencies national web sites.