Central offices functions

  • Planning and control office

It defines the metodology of the planning process, it manages the performance and
checks that the results achieved by the Agency are in line with the strategic planning
objectives, it plans and coordinate the activities of defining and management of the
Protocol agreed with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and liases with the
General Accounting Office for the controls on the financial activity.

  • External relationships office

It liases with the press, deals with the publication of material for taxpayers and
information on Agency programmes and activities. It publishes the online journal
fiscooggi.it, it manages the Agency website (www.agenziaentrate.gov.it) and organises
events throughout the country to provide the public with information on the tax

  • Systems and processes office

It is in charge of the IT system and supports the development of the organisational

  • Research office

It conducts economic and fiscal researches including comparative studies with foreign
tax administration systems aimed at gathering information, which can be used by the
Agency to define programmes and corrective measures.