Information and help via internet

Internet is a powerful resource that Administrations can use to enter into closer contact with the citizens and the Revenue Agency has made a firm commitment to developing online services.
In addition to obtaining information, the web makes it possible for taxpayers, safely and from their
own homes, to carry out operations such as submitting tax returns forms, paying taxes and registering rent contracts - all just via Internet.
A new and very innovatory online service is the “tax mail box”. This allows taxpayers to check
information on their own tax position (e.g. tax returns submitted, payments made, personal assets etc.).
Taxpayers can now also request information using the Agency’s web mail service.
The Contact Centre automatically acknowledges receipt of all e-mails sent and provides instructions if delivery fails.
In addition to several specific services, visitors to can also:

  • access all tax information very easily (particular care has been taken to make the site easily
    accessible to disabled people)
  • interact with Contact Centre operators (webmail and call-back are already active but other typical advanced web communications will be soon available)
  • consult the "Tax Documentation" online database including all tax regulations as well as letter circulars and decisions issued by the Agency
  • calculate road tax
  • find out tax deadlines
  • book an appointment at one of the Agency's local offices. is the Revenue Agency’s online journal. During 2003 it exceeded 9 million readers and
its popularity continues to grow.
The journal, which is an officially registered publication, integrates the documentation included on by real-time updates on activities of the Agency and its central and local
offices as well as with comments on tax regulations and laws. The journal features a series of continuously updated sections.
The daily edition of Fiscooggi is a mean of pooling resources and stimulates contact between the
Agency, tax operators and the taxpayer.
The flow of information continues to grow and this provides Internet users with a deeper understanding of new tax-related issues by analysis and comments.
Data on contacts and access shows that tax issues, regardless their complexity, interest broad sections of users not only tax professionals.