Editorial standards

Page size: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm), page margins 3 cm for each side.

Text: font Times New Roman or Times Roman; if not required, single space (included bibliography), with space 6 pt at the end of each paragraph.

Title: font 18 pt, bold, centred. Space: 1 line 12 pt.

Name and surname of authors: after the title, write in name and surname of the authors. Between first and second author, and so on, space: line 12. Use 14 pt font, bold, centred.

Affiliation, e-mail:  after  each author, space: 6 pt and write in affiliation and e-mail address (example: Agenzia delle Entrate, e-mail: mario.rossi@agenziaentrate.it). Use 12 pt font, centred.

Abstract: after e-mail address, space: 2 lines of 12 pt, and write Abstract, font 12, bold, centred. Single space: 6 pt and go on with summary, not longer than 10 lines, in English, font 12 pt, justified.

JEL classification e Key words: after abstract, space:_1 line 12 pt, write JEL classification: font 12, bold and list one or more JEL codes (http://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php), font 12 pt ; space: 1 line 12 pt, write Key words: font 12, bold and list one or more key words, font 12 pt.Page break: continue on the next page.

Index: write Index; font 14 pt, centred, bold. Following, the list of sections  and of possible subsections. Sections and subsections must be progressively numbered. For the section list use 12 pt font, bold, left justified.  

Page break: continue on the next page.

Section format: use 14 pt font, bold, for the section title. After the section title, space: 1 line of 12 pt. between each paragraph, space: 6 pt. Attention: in correspondence of first section include a note containing acknowledgement or institutional collaboration information (eg: work developed in the frame of...). Space: 2 lines of 12 pt between each section.

Formula format: before and after space: 12 pt. Formulas are indented 1,5 cm, with variables in italics and progressively numbered inside each section: operators in lower case; vectors in bold lower case; matrices in bold uppercase; superscript and subscript (8 pt) in italics if referred to variables.

Figure/table format: use 12 pt font, italics, centred for  figure/table title. Before and after figure/table space: 12 pt. Figures and tables must be progressively numbered inside each section. Captions are placed on top. Title shall clarify the figure/table content with regardless of the text and shall not exceed its length.

Bibliography: after the last section, space: 12 pt. Write Bibliography font 14 pt, bold. Space: 12 pt. Second line of each bibliography is indented 0,5 cm.