MUDE Piedmont a unified digital system for building permits: an organizational project

The re-engineering of administrative processes can come about through information and communications technologies - defined as "computer-supported cooperation" - opening new prospects for simplifying the relationships between citizens and public administrations and facilitating the exchange of documents and information.

MUDE Piedmont (MUDE is the acronym for the Italian modello unico digitale per l'edilizia - trans) - a unified digital system for building permits - is an information system created through the collaboration of the region’s different governmental levels.

This system creates a digital archive of permit applications submitted to the Buildings Department Unified Hub, using information technologies for the interaction between professionals and public administrations and for the exchange of information between administration databases.

The MUDE Piedmont system creates an environment for the use/updating of regional and administration databases. These databases - accessible to numerous individuals and public authorities - are in constant evolution with input from all users involved in the building/planning permit approvals process.

Livio Mandrile