Newborns health insurance card

Tax code and issue of the health insurance card

Shortly after the birth of the child, parents must apply for the tax code to the municipality of residence to receive the health insurance card at home. Parents must submit the birth declaration to the municipality, which assigns the tax code to the newborns, through a computer system linked to the Italian Tax Register. When the tax code is issued, newborns automatically receive at the residential address, identical to that of the mother, the first Health Card valid for one-year.

Once the parents (or guardians) have registered the child at the competent ASL (a process that is also necessary for the choice of pediatrician) a new Italian Health Insurance Card, normally valid for six years, is prepared and sent to the place of residence.

New-Borns tax code request at the Revenue Agency

In urgent cases, or if the Municipality concerned has not issued the newborn’s tax code, parents or guardians may apply for the tax code at any Revenue Agency office, submitting the form AA4/8. The form duly completes and signed by one of the parents (or guardian), is submitted along with an identity card of signing parent signing and a birth certificate (from the hospital after birth) or a birth certificate (from the Municipality).

The AA4/8 form can be also sent by email or Pec

In the above-mentioned situation, the message must contain:

  • A copy of the duly completed and signed form AA4/8 scanned (or digitally signed);
  • Other necessary documents (e.g. birth certificate or hospital birth certificate, in the latter case the parents declare the registration of the baby in the Municipality’s Population Register;
  • A copy of an identity document of the applicant.

The tax code certificate, digitally signed by the head of the Office or an authorized representative, is sent to the email or Pec address used for the request.